Eas Update is stalling

I’m running eas update but it is stalling on me. Does anyone know why?

eas update --branch production
:heavy_check_mark: Provide an update message: … More Exercises
[expo-cli] Starting Metro Bundler
[expo-cli] Android Bundling complete 6106ms
[expo-cli] iOS Bundling complete 6107ms
[expo-cli] iOS Building Hermes bytecode for the bundle
[expo-cli] Android Building Hermes bytecode for the bundle
[expo-cli] Bundle Size
[expo-cli] ┌ index.ios.hbc 3.76 MB
[expo-cli] ├ index.android.hbc 3.76 MB
[expo-cli] ├ index.ios.hbc.map 7.8 MB
[expo-cli] └ index.android.hbc.map 7.82 MB
[expo-cli] :bulb: JavaScript bundle sizes affect startup time. Learn more: https://expo.fyi/javascript-bundle-sizes
[expo-cli] Finished saving JS Bundles
[expo-cli] Saving assets

[expo-cli] Files successfully saved.

[expo-cli] Processing asset bundle patterns:

[expo-cli] - /Users/susanleonelli2/Documents/EricProjects/RNChess1/**/*

[expo-cli] Dumping asset map

[expo-cli] Dumping source maps

[expo-cli] Preparing additional debugging files

[expo-cli] Export was successful. Your exported files can be found in dist

:heavy_check_mark: Exported bundle(s)

:heavy_check_mark: Uploaded 2 app bundles

:heavy_check_mark: Uploading assets skipped - no new assets found

:heavy_check_mark: Channel: production pointed at branch: production

Here is where it’s stalling