build:ios with setting up credentials error

as far as i deleted old apple developer certificates and create new with command:

EXPO_DEBUG=true expo build:ios --clear-credentials

Got Error during: :heavy_multiplication_x: Failed to generate Apple Provisioning Profile

“responseId”: “4c0ad08f-4824-457b-a630-c799fb2a5719”,
“resultCode”: 1002,
“resultString”: "Service not available because of maintenance activities, please try again after some time. ",
“userString”: "Service not available because of maintenance activities, please try again after some time. ",
“creationTimestamp”: “2019-05-18T21:08:49Z”,
“protocolVersion”: “QH65B2”,
“userLocale”: “en_US”,
“requestUrl”: “”,
“httpCode”: 200

could anyone please help with this build
Thank you

Hey @markmoo,

As the error message indicates, there may have been some server maintenance issues occurring at the time you were trying to build. Have you tried recently?


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