build ios doesn't work No cert avaialable


I was recently affected by this bug: App removed from Google Play due to policy violation with Branch - #24 by utahisnotastate

I’ve gone on to fix my issue, and move my old SDK 18.0.0 to the now updated 32.0.0 sdk. My app successfully builds on android and am ready to relaunch there, but im running into an issue trying to build the ios version. This is the error message I got:

Requesting session...
Authenticated with Apple Developer Portal successfully!
Only 1 team associated with your account, using Apple Team with ID: **[REDACTED]**
We do not have some credentials for you: Apple Provisioning Profile
? **How would you like to upload your credentials?** Expo handles all credentials, you can still provide overrides
? **Will you provide your own Apple Provisioning Profile?** Let Expo handle the process
✔ App ID found on Apple Developer Portal.
We're going to generate:
- Apple Provisioning Profile
✖ Failed to generate Apple Provisioning Profile
Reason: No cert available to make provision profile against, raw: "Make sure you were able to make a certificate prior to this step"
Set EXPO_DEBUG=true in your env to view the stack trace.

I’m not sure what’s going on here, but it made me wonder about something else. When I initially launched on the ios marketplace, there was an issue with the app description so it was taken down a long time ago. I fixed the description but never attempted to relaunch because I wanted to make other updates before i tried another launch. The original version of this app on the itunes store was put on there/removed around 2 years ago. When I tried building it 2 years ago, I would have selected the option to let expo handle all my certs. Shouldn’t it be pulling those old certs? Or does it need to create new ones because its been so long?

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They likely would have expired by now. I would clear your credentials by running expo build:ios -c and let Expo generate new ones for you.

Thank you for your help! I’m still running into an issue but I think im closer to getting this situation resolved.

So I tried that by running build:ios -c but I ran into this issue with ‘multiple profiles found with the name of’ and it has my apps bundle id.

$ expo build:ios -c
Checking if there is a build in progress...

Removed existing credentials from expo servers
Please enter your Apple Developer Program account credentials. These
credentials are needed to manage certificates, keys and provisioning profiles
in your Apple Developer account.
The password is only used to authenticate with Apple and never stored.
? Apple ID: **[REDACTED]**
? Password (for **[REDACTED]**): [hidden]
Trying to authenticate with Apple Developer Portal...
Available session is not valid any more. Continuing with normal login.
Authenticated with Apple Developer Portal successfully!
Only 1 team associated with your account, using Apple Team with ID: **[REDACTED]**
We do not have some credentials for you: Apple Distribution Certificate, Apple Push Notifications service key, Apple Provisioning Profile
? How would you like to upload your credentials? Expo handles all credentials, y
ou can still provide overrides
? Will you provide your own Apple Distribution Certificate? Let Expo handle the 
? **Would you like to reuse Apple Distribution Certificate from another app? No, p**
**lease create a new one**
? Will you provide your own Apple Push Notifications service key? Let Expo handl
e the process
⠋ Looking for Apple Push Notifications service key you might have created before⠙ Looking for Apple Push Notifications service key you might have created before⠹ Looking for Apple Push Notifications service key you might have created before⠸ Looking for Apple Push Notifications service key you might have created before✔ Didn't find any previously uploaded Apple Push Notifications service key
✔ App ID found on Apple Developer Portal.
We're going to generate:
- Apple Distribution Certificate
- Apple Push Notifications service key
- Apple Provisioning Profile
✔ Generated Apple Distribution Certificate
✔ Generated Apple Push Notifications service key
✖ Failed to generate Apple Provisioning Profile
Reason: Unexpected response, raw: {"responseId":"ff5c6020-a056-4bf5-b0d2-f8151a9672d5","resultCode":35,"resultString":"There were errors in the data supplied. Please correct and re-submit.","userString":"Multiple profiles found with the name '[REDACTED] AppStore'.  Please remove the duplicate profiles and try again.","creationTimestamp":"2019-04-23T16:27:41Z","protocolVersion":"QH65B2","userLocale":"en_US","requestUrl":"","httpCode":200,"validationMessages":[{"validationKey":"provisioningProfileName","validationUserMessage":"Multiple profiles found with the name '[REDACTED] AppStore'.  Please remove the duplicate profiles and try again."}]}
Set EXPO_DEBUG=true in your env to view the stack trace.

It looked like it pulled my old app. Should I have said to reuse Apple Distribution Certificate from the app when it prompted that? I only have one app total and this is it.

I just tried selecting the option to reuse the apple distribution certificate from another app, but it gave me the following error when it tried to build.

✖ Failed to generate Apple Provisioning Profile
Reason: No cert available to make provision profile against, raw: "Make sure you were able to make a certificate prior to this step"

I’ve looked around a bit and the only potential solution to get this working is to go into my apple developer account, delete all the expired certs, and try build:ios -c again?

Yeah, that’s what I would recommend. Sometimes the automated process fails in which case going in manually and starting off with a clean slate is a good idea.

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