Unable to find file name and line number of errors with new version of expo


By upgrading to expo sdk 33, I realized that there is no more indication concernning file name and line number of errors…

It is now complicated to spot and fix bugs with the provided informations :

Have I missed something?

In situations like that, I would try deleting the nodes_modules folder and running npm install. It may help…

And do you have the latest Expo CLI installed? npm install -g expo-cli

I ran a watchman watch-del-all && rm -rf $TMPDIR/react-* && rm -rf node_modules/ && rm -rf package-lock.json && rm -rf yarn.lock && npm cache clean --force && yarn install

And my current expo version is 3.0.1 (I assume it is the last).

But I still have the same issue : impossible get the file name and the line number of the error. This is very detrimental to our project …

Have you tried downgrading back to the previous working SDK?

My other option would be to start a new fresh project and then transfer your existing code to it.

Woaw :astonished: ! It is a radical solution.

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