I want to share my pre-release app to my internal team

Hi expo ninjas

I have an expo managed workflow, and I want to share my app with internal teams follow this instruction: Sharing pre-release versions of your app - Expo Documentation

I set up eas cli and ran eas update, I saw the update went well:

:heavy_check_mark: Built bundle!
:heavy_check_mark: Uploading assets skipped – no new assets found!
:heavy_check_mark: Created branch: preview
:heavy_check_mark: Created a channel: preview pointed at branch: preview.
:heavy_check_mark: Published!

Branch preview
Runtime version exposdk:44.0.0
Platform android, ios
Update group ID 3a28bf84-ec97-4c41-91c6-890b2a1860e2
Android update ID e839d275-089f-4f79-83ec-fbea20d0c9a3
iOS update ID 2d24dd1a-8044-46bc-9f1e-0888f43e5764
Message init commit
Website link Log In — Expo

But when I try to access the app in my expo go, it says:

"There was a problem running the requested app "
“EAS Update clients must accept “multipart/mixed” responses”

I’m really confused which step might went wrong, any hint would be appreciated !

hmmm… off hand it seems like this is not your fault, but I don’t know what the problem is.

Is it possible you have an old version of Expo Go installed? Or are you behind some sort of proxy server?

I assume the development version of the app works fine for you in Expo Go?