EXPO GO on Android not loading when accessing applications

Hello there everyone. We’re having some issues standing up our mobile application. When we publish an app, the project just sits and stands downloading.

Are there some issues with the platform that I don’t know about?


Hey @healthsmart,

Can you be more explicit about “publish an app”? Are you running your project locally using Expo Go client?

If yes, then, what does it says in terminal logs when you press a – the keyboard shortcut to trigger the app on Android emulator/device?

Hey there, Aman!

We have an application built on git hub.

We have installed the expo go client on our android phone.

We have created a test organization and configured the application to use expo. We’ve set the App.json file up as per the documentation, with an

Application Name

We have expo cli installed (version 4.1.8)
We are using the expo object in our package.json file

“expo”: “45.0”,
“expo-checkbox”: “^2.0.0”,
“expo-file-system”: “^13.1.4”,
“expo-secure-store”: “^11.1.0”,
“expo-sharing”: “^10.1.1”,
“expo-status-bar”: “~1.1.0”,

What we want is to be able to publish (expo publish) our application up, so it stands up on the expo ser ver on its own.