Expo Facebook Ads No Fill Error

  1. 43.0.3
  2. Android Device

Hi Guys I set the facebooks ads but it returns me No Fill Error , I followed the guide steps:

→ Logged on fb application as administrator developer account
→ installed expo face ads (no permissions required to android)

   "expo": {
    "facebookScheme": "fb1234567891234567",
    "facebookAppId": "988418198myAppID",
    "facebookDisplayName": "INFINITI TMC",
    "name": "Infiniti",
    "slug": "infiniti",
import * as FacebookAds from "expo-ads-facebook";

I also tried:



    setTimeout(async function () {
          setVideosQueue({ value: item, index: index }); //5
          console.log("try facebook ad")
            .then((didClick) => {console.log(didClick)})
            .catch((error) => {
          //facebook start
        }, 1000);    

“expo-ads-facebook”: “~11.0.3”,

I also enabled the tests device:

must I add a AAID ? if yes where can I find it?

Hey @thomasreolon, I’d recommend looking at the troubleshooting docs that Facebook provides (Integration Checklist and Error Codes - Audience Network - Documentation - Facebook for Developers) If you look at the No Fill error, there are a handful of possible causes you can explore.


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