Entity not authorized Issue

Please guide me, Im a newbie to build with React Expo.

eas build -p android --profile preview
Loaded “env” configuration for the “preview” profile: no environment variables specified. Learn more: Environment variables and secrets in EAS Build - Expo Documentation
You don’t have the required permissions to perform this operation.

Entity not authorized: AccountEntity[5dfa6512-d3dc-4b55-8da2-7053f1ac6a37] (viewer = RegularUserViewerContext[00205ca7-9e37-4ff6-956d-9fdadab936f4], action = READ, ruleIndex = -1)
Request ID: 39c8168f-3918-4bed-aced-40ce017ed9e6

hi there,

it looks like your account doesn’t have permissions to build the project that you are trying to build. make sure you are signed in to the correct account in EAS CLI. you may need to have your account added to the organization that owns the project: Account types - Expo Documentation