xcrun exited with non-zero code: 4

I’m getting an error as such:

Starting Metro Bundler.
xcrun exited with non-zero code: 4
Error: xcrun exited with non-zero code: 4
    at ChildProcess.completionListener (/Users/BBE0017/Apps/spree-react-native/node_modules/@expo/spawn-async/src/spawnAsync.ts:65:13)
    at Object.onceWrapper (events.js:422:26)
    at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:315:20)
    at maybeClose (internal/child_process.js:1021:16)
    at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:286:5)
    at spawnAsync (/Users/BBE0017/Apps/spree-react-native/node_modules/@expo/spawn-async/src/spawnAsync.ts:26:19)
    at xcrunAsync (/@expo/xdl@57.9.35/src/SimControl.ts:319:18)
    at Object.bootAsync (/@expo/xdl@57.9.35/src/SimControl.ts:133:11)
    at action (/@expo/xdl@57.9.35/src/Simulator.ts:320:25)
    at waitForActionAsync (/@expo/xdl@57.9.35/src/Simulator.ts:302:22)
    at ensureSimulatorOpenAsync (/@expo/xdl@57.9.35/src/Simulator.ts:217:24)
    at Object.openProjectAsync (/@expo/xdl@57.9.35/src/Simulator.ts:651:14)
    at /Users/BBE0017/Apps/spree-react-native/node_modules/expo-cli/src/urlOpts.ts:91:11
    at async Promise.all (index 1)
    at Object.handleMobileOptsAsync (/Users/BBE0017/Apps/spree-react-native/node_modules/expo-cli/src/urlOpts.ts:76:3)
error Command failed with exit code 1.

Expo Diagnostics

Expo CLI 3.26.2 environment info:
      OS: macOS 10.15.6
      Shell: 3.2.57 - /bin/sh
      Node: 12.18.3 - /usr/local/bin/node
      Yarn: 1.17.3 - /usr/local/bin/yarn
      npm: 6.14.6 - /usr/local/bin/npm
      Watchman: 4.9.0 - /usr/local/bin/watchman
      Android Studio: 4.0 AI-193.6911.18.40.6626763
      Xcode: 12.0/12A8189h - /usr/bin/xcodebuild
      expo: ~38.0.8 => 38.0.10 
      react: ~16.11.0 => 16.11.0 
      react-dom: ~16.11.0 => 16.11.0 
      react-native: https://github.com/expo/react-native/archive/sdk-38.0.2.tar.gz => 0.62.2 
      react-native-web: ~0.11.7 => 0.11.7 
      expo-cli: 3.26.2

What can I try next ?

Hey @wevak,

Can you try updating your cli version to the latest? (3.27.12) Also, what command were you running that resulted in this error?


While running yarn ios the error showed up !

Hey @adamjnav,

I’ve updated the cli version to the latest, even though it doesn’t work with the Xcode Simulator, on the other hand expo-cli is perfectly working with the Android Emulator, the problem is only with the expo-cli and the Xcode Simulator.

What can I try next ?



Since xcrun is part of Xcode, maybe try reinstallng Xcode.

I just quit the xcode and then re opened it…
I again get the same error.

What else can i try ?
How do i check if im running the right simulator version against the right xcdoe version ?

Could this be the issue ?

I am not sure what the problem is. If you search for ways to reinstall Xcode you will see many people have weird issues with Xcode, especially after upgrading macOS.

Here’s a post that looks useful. Just make sure your machine is backed up first:

I’ve found another comment on how to reinstall the command line dev tools which seems worth a try if doing it like in the above post doesn’t work:

There’s also the following, but it seems incomplete, or could do with an explanation of what happens after the last step:

Good luck. Let us know what happens.

Same for me too

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