Unable to retrieve the FCM server key for the recipient's app. (expo-server-sdk)

  1. SDK Version: “expo-server-sdk”: “^3.5.0”,
  2. Platforms(Android/iOS/web/all): android

Hello, Im using expo-server-sdk on my nodejs server to send notifications to my ejected expo app, so i follow expo-notifications instructions, i just upload my server api key succesfully by typing: expo push:android:upload --api-key <your-token-here> but getting following error: “Unable to retrieve the FCM server key for the recipient’s app. Make sure you have provided a server key as directed by the Expo FCM documentation.”

    id: 'deb0636b-2f71-4c2f-8424-244bd532b9b5',
    status: 'error',
    message: "Unable to retrieve the FCM server key for the recipient's app. Make sure you have provided a server key as directed by the Expo FCM documentation.",
    details: { error: 'InvalidCredentials', fault: 'developer' }

this is my nodejs function to send push notification:

const sendNotifications = (somePushTokens, message) => {
    console.log("sendNotifications / somePushTokens: ", somePushTokens);
    return new Promise(async(resolve, reject) => {
        // Create a new Expo SDK client
        let expo = new Expo();
        // Create the messages that you want to send to clients
        let messages = [];
        for (let pushToken of somePushTokens) {
            // Each push token looks like ExponentPushToken[xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]

            // Check that all your push tokens appear to be valid Expo push tokens
            if (!Expo.isExpoPushToken(pushToken)) {
                console.error(`Push token ${pushToken} is not a valid Expo push token`);

            // Construct a message (see https://docs.expo.io/versions/latest/guides/push-notifications)
            const messageHandled = {
                to: pushToken,
                sound: 'default',
                body: 'This is a test notification',
                data: { withSome: 'data' },

        // The Expo push notification service accepts batches of notifications so
        // that you don't need to send 1000 requests to send 1000 notifications. We
        // recommend you batch your notifications to reduce the number of requests
        // and to compress them (notifications with similar content will get
        // compressed).
        let chunks = expo.chunkPushNotifications(messages);
        let tickets = [];
        (async () => {
            // Send the chunks to the Expo push notification service. There are
            // different strategies you could use. A simple one is to send one chunk at a
            // time, which nicely spreads the load out over time:
            for (let chunk of chunks) {
                try {
                    let ticketChunk = await expo.sendPushNotificationsAsync(chunk);
                    // NOTE: If a ticket contains an error code in ticket.details.error, you
                    // must handle it appropriately. The error codes are listed in the Expo
                    // documentation:
                    // https://docs.expo.io/versions/latest/guides/push-notifications#response-format
                } catch (error) {

        // Later, after the Expo push notification service has delivered the
        // notifications to Apple or Google (usually quickly, but allow the the service
        // up to 30 minutes when under load), a "receipt" for each notification is
        // created. The receipts will be available for at least a day; stale receipts
        // are deleted.
        // The ID of each receipt is sent back in the response "ticket" for each
        // notification. In summary, sending a notification produces a ticket, which
        // contains a receipt ID you later use to get the receipt.
        // The receipts may contain error codes to which you must respond. In
        // particular, Apple or Google may block apps that continue to send
        // notifications to devices that have blocked notifications or have uninstalled
        // your app. Expo does not control this policy and sends back the feedback from
        // Apple and Google so you can handle it appropriately.
        let receiptIds = [];
        for (let ticket of tickets) {
            // NOTE: Not all tickets have IDs; for example, tickets for notifications
            // that could not be enqueued will have error information and no receipt ID.
            if (ticket.id) {

        let receiptIdChunks = expo.chunkPushNotificationReceiptIds(receiptIds);
        (async () => {
            // Like sending notifications, there are different strategies you could use
            // to retrieve batches of receipts from the Expo service.
            for (let chunk of receiptIdChunks) {
                try {
                    let receipts = await expo.getPushNotificationReceiptsAsync(chunk);

                    // The receipts specify whether Apple or Google successfully received the
                    // notification and information about an error, if one occurred.
                    for (let receiptId in receipts) {
                        let { status, message, details } = receipts[receiptId];
                        if (status === 'ok') {
                        } else if (status === 'error') {
                                `There was an error sending a notification: ${message}`
                            if (details && details.error) {
                                // The error codes are listed in the Expo documentation:
                                // https://docs.expo.io/versions/latest/guides/push-notifications/#individual-errors
                                // You must handle the errors appropriately.
                                console.error(`The error code is ${details.error}`);
                } catch (error) {

module.exports = sendNotifications;

this is similar issue: Failed to authenticate with the FCM server. Ensure the FCM server key you uploaded is correct.

@cruzach please help!

Hey @esteban199,

Could you double check that the server key was stored successfully by running expo push:android:show? It will return the credentials currently in use by the project.


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Thank you @adamjnav i tried it already :frowning:

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Almost I have the same probleme with expo push notification “InvalidCredentials: Failed to authenticate with the FCM server. Ensure the FCM server key you uploaded is correct.”
I upload the key and show it, it’s the same key from firebase any solution please @charliecruzan