InvalidCredentials: Unable to retrieve the FCM server key for the recipient's app

Please provide the following:

  1. SDK Version: 46
  2. Platform: Android

In my managed app, I have carefully followed the steps from I’ve followed the directions on to setup push notifications with FCM and android.
I have uploaded the FCM server key to my Service Credentials page.
I have downloaded the google-services.json file in the root of my project and I have referenced it in the app.json (googleServicesFile).
Every works fine on IOS. But onAndroid I get the error in the title when I send a push notification (e.g from the Expo Push Notification online tool). Also when, from the command line, I run

expo push:android:show

I get the error:

There is no FCM API key configured for this project

I don’t know how I can troubleshoot this issue. I have looked at similar issues on this forum and on google. Most mention an error with the project owner. But in my case the project owner is correct.


It could be related to the Server key. Please make sure to check that all of your Service Credentials are filled correctly in your Expo account’s > project’s dashboard > Configure > Credentials.

If the FCM Server Key is empty, then you can add the copied Server key from Step 3 . If the FCM Server Key is populated, verify that the last characters match the Server Key from Step 3 .

For more info on this, please see the following steps in the docs: Using FCM for Push Notifications - Expo Documentation

@amanhimself Thank you for your reply. I have checked and double-checked that my Service Credentials are filled correctly in my Expo account. (FCM Server Key is copied from my Firebase project: Cloud Messaging Tab → Cloud Messaging Api (Legacy).

But when I run expo push:android:show from the terminal, it displays the error message:

There is no FCM API key configured for this projec

@amanhimself do you have suggestion for the above error?

Let me check and get back to you.

Hey, the command is no longer valid for latest SDK projects and building with EAS with versioned Expo CLI. You can run eas credentials to see the and manage credentials.

When you run eas credentials, please select Android as the platform and then select the build profile. After that, you will be able to view all the credentials related to your project’s Application Identifier.

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