Unable to retrieve the FCM server key for the recipient's app

  1. SDK Version: 37.0.12
  2. Platforms(Android/iOS/web/all): Android

We cannot send notifications to Android apps after upgrading to SDK 37. We have some other apps on the same SDK that are working properlly. We followed the documentation (https://docs.expo.io/guides/using-fcm) and this is guide:

  1. Create Firebase project
  2. Create android app in Firebase with the same package name
    1 Checked in Google API Console for restrictions (no restrictions) and verified enabled APIs (Cloud Messaging, Firebase Installations API, Firebase Cloud Messaging API)
  3. Copied google-services.json to project root and added to app.json
  4. Copied server key to cli command expo push:android:upload --api-key AAAAA....
  5. Build apk file
  6. Installed APK file
  7. Retrieved Device Token
  8. Tried to send a push message in Expo Notification Tool

And the result was:

InvalidCredentials: Unable to retrieve the FCM server key for the recipient's app. Make sure you have provided a server key as directed by the Expo FCM documentation.

We tried to change pakage name, create other firebase project… No success!


After a couple of hours…

We discovered that this credentials is not attached to project owner defined in app.json . It was set in developer’s credentials. This developer is in my Expo team.

@erick/project-name → project owner
@paulo/project-name → developer

As the developer was signed in Expo CLI, the api-key was set in his account.


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