Standalone build failed!

Removed existing credentials from Expo servers
Unable to find an existing Expo CLI instance for this directory, starting a new one…
Starting Metro Bundler on port 19001.
Successfully ran adb reverse. Localhost URLs should work on the connected Android device.
Tunnel ready.
Publishing to channel ‘default’…
Building iOS bundle
Building Android bundle
Building JavaScript bundle [====================================================================================================] 100%Finished building JavaScript bundle in 54315ms.
Analyzing assets
Building JavaScript bundle [====================================================================================================] 100%Finished building JavaScript bundle in 26160ms.
Finished building JavaScript bundle in 6979ms.
Finished building JavaScript bundle in 7548ms.
Uploading assets
No assets changed, skipped.
Uploading JavaScript bundles
socket hang up
Set EXPO_DEBUG=true in your env to view the stack trace.

F:\urdu qso 1984\aus>expo build:android -c
Checking if there is a build in progress…

? Would you like to upload a keystore or have us generate one for you?
If you don’t know what this means, let us handle it! :slight_smile:
Unable to find an existing Expo CLI instance for this directory, starting a new one…
Starting Metro Bundler on port 19001.
Couldn’t adb reverse: more than one device/emulator
Tunnel ready.
Publishing to channel ‘default’…
Building iOS bundle
Building Android bundle
Building JavaScript bundle [====================================================================================================] 100%Finished building JavaScript bundle in 46012ms.
Finished building JavaScript bundle in 25323ms.
Analyzing assets
Finished building JavaScript bundle in 7209ms.
Finished building JavaScript bundle in 6898ms.
Uploading assets
No assets changed, skipped.
Uploading JavaScript bundles
Your URL is

Checking if this build already exists…

Webpack is not running.
Build started, it may take a few minutes to complete.
You can check the queue length at
Service Status — Standalone Builds — Expo

You can monitor the build at

|Waiting for build to complete. You can press Ctrl+C to exit.
/Standalone build failed!

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