SQLLite SELECT result to objects

This is my method that gets the data from a SQLLIte table.

export function getProfileRecord() {

    tx => {

      tx.executeSql('select * from profile', [], (_, { rows }) =>



This returns something like below

WebSQLRows {
“_array”: Array [
Object {
“bmi”: 24.7,
“id”: 1,
“imperialgoalweight”: 154.3,
“imperialheight”: 70.9,
“imperialweight”: 176.4,
“metricgoalweight”: 70,
“metricheight”: 180,
“metricweight”: 80,
“standard”: “Metric”,
Object {
“bmi”: 24.7,
“id”: 2,
“imperialgoalweight”: 154.3,
“imperialheight”: 70.9,
“imperialweight”: 176.4,
“metricgoalweight”: 70,
“metricheight”: 180,
“metricweight”: 80,
“standard”: “Metric”,
Object {
“bmi”: 26.2,
“id”: 3,
“imperialgoalweight”: 154.3,
“imperialheight”: 70.9,
“imperialweight”: 187.4,
“metricgoalweight”: 70,
“metricheight”: 180,
“metricweight”: 85,
“standard”: “Metric”,
“length”: 3,

Is there any way I can convert the result set into objects ?

You have the result rows, so how you decide to manipulate the data is up to you.