Serious Eas Build Problem

Hello , i caught a nasty bug that’s really bothering me in my app which is in production , can’t switch to eas build because of this :

the problem is simple , if you kill the app while background location is on , the app is not killed if you launch it again it will go back to the same screen as if it was only backgrounded , i confirmed this with Splash screen

to demonstrate this , i made a simple app with background location and Splash screen that’s hidden manually after 4 seconds of app launch

Steps to reproduce :

– make a build with eas build –

1- Open the app . ( splash screen will take 4 seconds to hide )
2- Click the button and grant location permissions .
3- background task should start , you can see the foreground service .
4 - Kill the app .
5 - start it again , it will start without splash screen , as if it was backgrounded .

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