[SDK49] building ios : declaration of 'facebook' must be imported from module 'yoga.yoga.YGNodePrint' before it is required

After updating to SDK49 (49.0.9), I had this error after npx expo run:ios
(pod install done before, update, clean, reinstall all … whatever)

❌ (/Users/xxxxx/ios/Pods/Headers/Public/ExpoModulesCore/ExpoModulesCore/EXJavaScriptObject.h:8:17)

   6 | #import <jsi/jsi.h>
   7 |
>  8 | namespace jsi = facebook::jsi;
     |                 ^ declaration of 'facebook' must be imported from module 'yoga.yoga.YGNodePrint' before it is required
   9 | #endif // __cplusplus
  10 |
  11 | @class EXJavaScriptRuntime;

❌ (/xxx/ios/Pods/Headers/Public/ExpoModulesCore/ExpoModulesCore/EXJavaScriptObject.h:8:27)

   6 | #import <jsi/jsi.h>
   7 |
>  8 | namespace jsi = facebook::jsi;
     |                           ^ missing '#include "jsi/jsi-inl.h"'; 'jsi' must be declared before it is used
   9 | #endif // __cplusplus
  10 |
  11 | @class EXJavaScriptRuntime;

❌  (/xxxx/ios/Pods/Headers/Public/React-NativeModulesApple/ReactCommon/RCTTurboModule.h:35:18)

  33 |  * ObjC++ specific TurboModule base class.
  34 |  */
> 35 | class JSI_EXPORT ObjCTurboModule : public TurboModule {
     |                  ^ variable has incomplete type 'class JSI_EXPORT'
  36 |  public:
  37 |   // TODO(T65603471): Should we unify this with a Fabric abstraction?
  38 |   struct InitParams {

Did someone already seen that ? Any idea ? Thank you !

A few days later … :rofl: N°1 in popular topic but nobody from Expo has an idea ?
Btw I had to went back to sdk48 … until this issue is solved.
I rarely open anymore issue on github as most of the time it is closed by the bot “provide a reproducible repo” which is quite impossible, as I have no idea how this error come from (apart ExpoModulesCore)

I had a similar issue with SDK48 when I try to build with “jsc” instead of “hermes” for the package “react-native-vision-camera”: “^2.15.6”,

 In file included from /xxxx/node_modules/react-native-vision-camera/android/src/main/cpp/FrameProcessorRuntimeManager.cpp:16:
  /xxxx/node_modules/react-native-vision-camera/android/src/main/cpp/MakeJSIRuntime.h:15:12: fatal error: 'jsi/JSCRuntime.h' file not found
    #include <jsi/JSCRuntime.h>
  1 error generated.
  [7/10] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/VisionCamera.dir/src/main/cpp/CameraView.cpp.o
  [8/10] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/VisionCamera.dir/src/main/cpp/JSIJNIConversion.cpp.o
  [9/10] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/VisionCamera.dir/src/main/cpp/VisionCamera.cpp.o
  ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.

  C++ build system [build] failed while executing:
      /xxx/Library/Android/sdk/cmake/3.22.1/bin/ninja \
        -C \
        /xxx/Work/shares/fameapp/node_modules/react-native-vision-camera/android/.cxx/Debug/157363l6/arm64-v8a \
    from /xxx/Work/shares/fameapp/node_modules/react-native-vision-camera/android

It is always the same with expo@^49.0.13.

❌  (/Users/laurent/Work/shares/fameapp/ios/Pods/Headers/Public/ExpoModulesCore/ExpoModulesCore/EXJavaScriptObject.h:8:17)

   6 | #import <jsi/jsi.h>
   7 |
>  8 | namespace jsi = facebook::jsi;
     |                 ^ declaration of 'facebook' must be imported from module 'yoga.yoga.YGNodePrint' before it is required
   9 | #endif // __cplusplus
  10 |
  11 | @class EXJavaScriptRuntime;
eas diagnostics

  EAS CLI 5.4.0 environment info:
      OS: macOS 12.6.9
      Shell: 5.8.1 - /bin/zsh
      Node: 16.18.0 - /usr/local/bin/node
      Yarn: 1.22.19 - /usr/local/bin/yarn
      npm: 8.19.2 - /usr/local/bin/npm
      Git: 2.37.1 - /usr/bin/git
      expo: ^49.0.13 => 49.0.13
      expo-updates: ~0.18.16 => 0.18.16
      react: 18.2.0 => 18.2.0
      react-dom: 18.2.0 => 18.2.0
      react-native: 0.72.5 => 0.72.5
      eas-cli: 5.2.0
      expo-cli: 6.3.10
    Project workflow: generic

As I can’t provide a reproducable repo, I can’t submit an issue.
Anybody from @expo team here to provide an idea ?

I’ve tried On a case-sensitive filesystem, React Native fails to build · Issue #33648 · facebook/react-native · GitHub, changing the first letter of yoga in spec.module_name in node_modules/react-native/ReactCommon/yoga/Yoga.podspec :

spec.module_name = 'Yoga'

now the error is the same with Yoga.yoga.YGNodePrint instead of yoga.yoga.YGNodePrint :

❌  (/Users/laurent/Work/shares/fameapp/ios/Pods/Headers/Public/ExpoModulesCore/ExpoModulesCore/EXJavaScriptObject.h:8:17)

   6 | #import <jsi/jsi.h>
   7 |
>  8 | namespace jsi = facebook::jsi;
     |                 ^ declaration of 'facebook' must be imported from module 'Yoga.yoga.YGNodePrint' before it is required
   9 | #endif // __cplusplus
  10 |
  11 | @class EXJavaScriptRuntime;

Searching again … here is another : Build fails due to header files missing when using -fcxx-modules flag (AppDelegate.mm) · Issue #33692 · facebook/react-native · GitHub

I use -fcxx-modules flag (due to img.ly PESDK)

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I’ve built a repo to replicate the issue : reproducible.tgz - Google Drive

it happens with SDK 49.0.13 when I add the needed instruction for localization of img.ly in AppDelegate.mm

#import <RNPhotoEditorSDK/RNPhotoEditorSDK.h>
[PESDK setLocalizationDictionary: @{ ...}

and also these options in Xcode (as requested by img.ly support to build sdk48)


No problem with sdk49 without localization (and it works with my current sdk48 version)
Ticket submitted to img.ly support …

As suggested by @keith-kurak (issue reproduced on his machine), ticket opened => [SDK49] [IOS] using img.ly localization : declaration of ‘facebook’ must be imported from module ‘yoga.yoga.YGNodePrint’ before it is required · Issue #24982 · expo/expo · GitHub