SDK 44 - Get dev client on Release building (testflight) + Multiple dependencies expo-dev-client

SDK Version: 44
Platforms(Android/iOS/web/all): iOS

Hi all,

I merge all my project from SDK 42 to SDK 44. We have a bare workflow project to customize platform and manage some configuration.
There isn’t any problems on Android but on iOS, we everytime have screen of development client when we built as release mode.

We set that on podfile :
pod ‘expo-dev-launcher’, path: ‘…/node_modules/expo-dev-launcher’, :configurations => :debug
pod ‘expo-dev-menu’, path: ‘…/node_modules/expo-dev-menu’, :configurations => :debug

When I try to do the following commands : pod install, there is an error and installation crash coz of multiple dependencies.

I research in deep files from each expo’s package to find problem, and I found your regex for expo-dev-menu :
pod [‘"]expo-dev-menu[’“],\s?path: ['”][^‘"]*node_modules/expo-dev-menu[’"],\s?:?configurations:?\s(?:=>\s)?:debug/

Maybe both of values between podfile and your package don’t match and result as a multiple dependencies. Do you think that’s a bad configuration from my part ?

Thanks in advance for your answer

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