Network request failed - .NET Core Web API running on localhost

SDK Version: 42.0.3
Platforms: Android Emulator (Pixel 2 Pie 9.0 - API 28)

Hi there. I’m currently working on a Managed Expo app that communicates with a Web API backend, which I have running locally on VS2019 (IIS Express)

Calling the fetch() api was resulting in a “Network request failed” exception, which can be worked around by using the React Native Debugger (standalone app), with Network Inspect enabled.

Just wondering if anyone else is using a similar dev setup, and if it’s possible to remove the dependency on the RN Debugger app. I’ve seen mentions of ngrok & localtunnel to expose the locally running server as an external URL, but this feels like a very convoluted way for the emulator to communicate with an API running on the same machine.


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