Help with Cannot find native module 'ExpoImage'

Please provide the following:

  1. SDK Version: “^47.0.13”
  2. Platforms(Android/iOS/web/all): all

I installed expo-image and used it like this:

import { Image } from "expo-image";



But when I run the app I get this error:

Error: Cannot find native module ‘ExpoImage’

and a warning like this one:

WARN The native view manager required by name (ExpoImage) from NativeViewManagerAdapter isn’t exported by expo-modules-core. Views of this type may not render correctly. Exported view managers: [ExpoBarCodeScannerView, ExpoAppleAuthenticationButtonContinueWhite, ExpoBlurView, ExpoLinearGradient, ExpoAppleAuthenticationButtonContinueWhiteOutline, ExpoAppleAuthenticationButtonSignInWhiteOutline, ExponentGLView, ExpoAppleAuthenticationButtonSignUpWhiteOutline, ExpoAppleAuthenticationButtonContinueBlack, ExpoAppleAuthenticationButtonSignUpBlack, ExpoVideoView, ExpoAppleAuthenticationButtonSignInWhite, ExpoAppleAuthenticationButtonSignUpWhite, ExpoAppleAuthenticationButtonSignInBlack, ExponentCamera].

I can’t find a way to get it to work. Any help?

Hi @stesvis, Expo Image is available from SDK version 48 and above. You’ll have to upgrade your project’s expo SDK version in order to use the new library. Here is a link to the announcement post and release notes: Expo SDK 48. Today we’re announcing the release of… | by Brent Vatne | Exposition

Thanks @amanhimself . I upgraded to Expo 48 and in development the error is gone and the image is working fine.

However, upgrading generated a new problem, the build won’t run anymore in Expo Go.
I opened a new topic about it. Expo Go is stuck checking for updates and will never finish.

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