Falha no eas:configure

git command not found. Install it before proceeding or set EAS_NO_VCS=1 to use EAS CLI without Git (or any other version control system).
Learn more: fyi/eas-vcs-workflow.md at main · expo/fyi · GitHub
git found, but git --help exited with status undefined.
Repair your Git installation, or set EAS_NO_VCS=1 to use EAS CLI without Git (or any other version control system).
Learn more: fyi/eas-vcs-workflow.md at main · expo/fyi · GitHub

Hi @gui23x, do you have git installed on your local machine? As stated in the error message you can either install it (https://git-scm.com/) depending on your operating system or you can use set the environment variable: EAS_NO_VCS=1.

If you are building a project, I’d suggest installing git.