Extend system message for web browser from NSCameraUsageDescription

Please provide the following:

  1. SDK Version: 48
  2. Platforms: iOS
  3. expo-web-browser 12.1.1

[Expo WebBrowser] - iOS
When we start webBrowser and open web page, which ask for permission to camera, the system message is:
“name” Would Like to Access the Camera
We need to extend this message, for more detailed description. In the app.json we have variable NSCameraUsageDescription

“infoPlist”: {
“NSCameraUsageDescription”: “This app requires access to the user’s camera for Augmented Reality purposes.”

The problem is, that NSCameraUsageDescription do not extend system message.

Is there any way, how to add content of NSCameraUsageDescription to system message, which is generated by Expo WebBrowser?

Currently we are not able to publish application. because of this issue.

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