expo sdk 44 Execution failed for task ':expo-updates:compileReleaseKotlin'. build error

I’m tired of always getting stuck with this error. Is there a solution for this? Why is it constantly getting errors while using the expo? and I can’t find correct and simple solutions to these errors. Also, why are the applications that work in the old versions broken in the new versions and you don’t give your continuous support?

Hi @hamdidamar,

Can you share your EAS Build link so that I can take a look at the error log and investigate it further?

Sorry for the inconvenience. Generally, when upgrading from an older version to a new version, we often release upgrade notes in the blog post announcements to help make the process smooth. Sometimes, there can be some rare edge cases, such as when a third-party library (unique to a project) could break or may require additional configuration that might have been overlooked or if there is a dependency incompatibility.

Try running expo-cli doctor command in your project locally, and see if it run prints out any warnings.

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