Expo Facebook Base Configuration Issues for Managed App

Please provide the following:

  1. SDK Version:
    expo: 42.0.1
    expo-facebook: 12.0.3
  2. Platforms(Android/iOS/web/all): all (because we use Expo Go for development)
  3. Add the appropriate “Tag” based on what Expo library you have a question on: facebook tag added

Issue Description

I’m attempting to complete the base level setup of the expo-facebook package. I’m running into configuration issues despite extensive research and configuration updates. I’m lead to believe our configuration is incorrect given what we’re seeing in https://business.facebook.com/. When going to that dashboard for our mobile app, there’s a lack of any baseline data. Additionally, if we continue navigating to the task center we see the following critical tasks:

  1. Update your apps to the latest Facebook SDK
  2. Set up Apple’s SKAdNetwork API for your apps

Our Configuration

We are running an Expo Managed app. We’ve installed the version of expo-facebook listed at the top of this description. I’ve followed all the steps listed in the expo-facebook docs configuration section. In addition, we have the following configuration in our app.json file:

  "expo": {
	  <unrelated configuration items>
    "facebookAdvertiserIDCollectionEnabled": true,
    "facebookAppId": "<our 15 digit facebook app id>",
    "facebookAutoInitEnabled": true,
    "facebookAutoLogAppEventsEnabled": true,
    "facebookDisplayName": "<our three word display name including spaces>",
    "facebookScheme": "fb<our 15 digit facebook app id>"

I’m spinning my wheels on this, so I’ll kindly take any and all suggestions you could offer.

Thank you so much!

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