Facebook SDK Problem

Hi, I have a question as for Facebook SDK setting. I do hope for your help.

  1. SDK Version: 40
  2. Platforms : Android
  3. “expo-facebook”: “~9.1.0”
  4. Managed workflow

We faced the problem while setting Facebook SDK for collecting data and setting app events as target actions in Facebook Ads.

Facebook Analytics doesn’t get hits for Android devices. But some downloads are registered and displayed in the Dashboard of Facebook Developers.

What we have done
All the settings are made according to documentation on Facebook SDK for the project developed on Expo.io


    "facebookAppId": "{{AppId}}",
    "facebookDisplayName": "{{DisplayName}}",
    "facebookScheme": "fb{{AppId}}",
    "facebookAutoInitEnabled": true,
    "facebookAutoLogAppEventsEnabled": true,
    "facebookAdvertiserIDCollectionEnabled": true

Also tried to generate Android Invalid Key Hash

You may find the screenshots from our dashboard, where we pull up data on installations from marketplaces (Google Play - 381 installs). The data for the period 17.02 - 23.02 2021 are presented. (img - 1)

Facebook Analytics, App Installs Events (img - 2)

At the same time the information about installations on Android sometimes appears in the Developers dashboard, Dashboard tab. (img - 3)

The Facebook SDK has been updated to (I guess) 9.0.1 in Expo SDK 41. So, my recommendation would be to update your app to the latest Expo to make sure you are using a newer FB SDK.

I had similar issues with the Facebook integration and I tracked them down to the old FB SDK version.

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