Expo Cli version 6.0.5

Hello there. I am having issues logging in to the expo.dev site for our mobile applications. In order to login, I require to run

expo login.

I get the following error:

$ expo login
[15:51:58] Username and password not provided in non-interactive mode. Set the EXPO_CLI_PASSWORD environment variable if you don’t want to pass in passwords through the command line.

Can you help with this?

Also, I’ve downloaded the expo go app from the play store and can’t seem to spin any of these applications up either. It loads the site and then closes the window all within a second of trying to launch the app.

Can any of you please help us with this?


do you have the environment variable CI=1 set in your shell? what shell/terminal are you using?

$ expo login
[21:59:47] Username and password not provided in non-interactive mode. Set the EXPO_CLI_PASSWORD environment variable if you don’t want to pass in passwords through the command line.

Is what I get when i set that environment varilable.

I’m also wondering if anybody knows anything about the android expogo client and why I might be having problems spinning up an app on my phone.

Thanks for your help,

Sorry…its late. This is what i get when i set that variable:

$ CI=1

12048@DESKTOP-Q7DLQ9K MINGW64 /d/apps/HealthSmart/hs_mobile_patient_app (master)
$ expo login
[21:59:47] Username and password not provided in non-interactive mode. Set the EXPO_CLI_PASSWORD environment variable if you don’t want to pass in passwords through the command line.

So you’re trying to do this in a CI environment?

Then either set the password in an environment variable as it says in the error, or use an access token instead.

Create an Access Token

About Expo Go, maybe try creating a new Expo project and do not make any changes to it at all. Then run npx expo start.
Does that work?
Then open Expo Go on your phone.
How do you tell Expo Go about the dev server? QR code? Manually entering the URL? By logging in and choosing it from a list?
Does it work with the new app?

Also, when it crashes as you have described, is anything printed in the terminal window where you’re running npx expo start?
What about the device logs?