EAS project channels suddenly missing and OTA updates no longer consistently happening

My team has been using EAS for a while, and we’ve had no problems.

  • managed workflow
  • eas-cli/2.7.1

Our EAS channels suddenly disappeared from the web client some time around the announcement of expo 47. At the same time, new installs of our app result in a crash the first time the app is launched (presumably, it’s trying to update from the channel that no longer exists and fails).

What I mean by disappeared is this: there were no channels listed under /accounts/${accountName}/projects/${appName}/channels

Even more strangely, sometimes deployments work. We had dev, staging, and production channels, and our staging OTA deployments still work. The staging channel is not visible in the web interface. I sent in a support request as well. No output came from

$ eas channel:list

So I created a new channel with a name that would not conflict with any of our old names. This shows up in the eas channel:list output.

If I recreate the channels with the same names as the old ones, will OTA updates suddenly work again? I suspect not, since the channel ID will now be different. What’s the best solution for me to resolve this issue? Can we restore these channels from backup?

This might be a user error. I recently took over the project, and while our build scripts had been updated to use eas build instead of expo build, apparently the whole migration guide was not followed.