"Could not connect to development server" running basic intro app, suspecting wachman?


I am brand new to Expo and React development so I am trying to go through the Facebook React Native tutorial Introduction · React Native. First step is to install Expo CLI and make a new project using expo init then run it using expo start.

I get “Could not connect to development server” errors both trying to open on the Expo app in iOS and running the iOS simulator from my laptop (Mac running Mojave). The log lines on my metro bunder look like this:

Starting Metro Bundler on port 19001.
2019-08-25T21:22:37,861: [cli] Failed to open /Users/nsadeh/Library/LaunchAgents/com.github.facebook.watchman.plist for write: Not a directory

Watchman:  watchman --no-pretty get-sockname returned with exit code=null, signal=SIGABRT, stderr= 2019-08-25T21:22:37,861: [cli] Failed to open /Users/nsadeh/Library/LaunchAgents/com.github.facebook.watchman.plist for write: Not a directory

Tunnel ready.

I am suspecting Watchman (the error is correct, this path is indeed not a directory, LaunchAgents is a plist itself). I tried uninstalling/resintalling Watchmen but that didn’t work. All I did to recreate this is on Mojave run expo init test, download and install cocoapods, run cocoapods install from the ios directory, then back in test run expo start.

LaunchAgents is supposed to be a directory. Rename the plist to get it out of the way and try again. The plist called “LaunchAgents” is unlikely to have anything to do with Expo.

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Thanks, that resolved my problem. Some unrelated postgres plist called LaunchAgents.

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