Cannot build my second ios app due existing certs

Hey, so I got my first app on the app store and working!

But when I try to build my second ios app I’m not able to. This is because my provisioning profile and new bundle identifier are not the same.

However, I don’t want to use build:ios -c because that will stop push notifications on my existing app.

How do I go about building and uploading my second app? Are there any good resources?


Hi @alamorre- if you need to clear your provisioning profile, you can always pass the --clear-provisioning-profile flag. This will remove the Provisioning Profile stored on Expo’s servers.

In terms of good resources, our guide for building standalone apps covers building a second iOS app, and this page describes how we use each credential/certificate

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The issue is if I use --clear-provisioning-profile then my existing apps which use that provisioning profile for Push Notifications will begin to fail.

I’m checking to see if you can have multiple certs, identifiers, and profiles under the same account. This serves the purpose of having multiple expo apps on the app store.

Provisioning profile is not used for push notifications. After uploading to store you can remove everything from apple developer portal and from expo servers except Push Certificates or Push Notifications Key.

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