AsyncStorage data persistence

I’ve been using AsyncStorage to store JWT token however after a while and on some occasions, I get back the data as null.

I store the keys like below

await AsyncStorage.multiSet([
        ['JWT', token],
        ['tenancyID', tenancyID.toString()],
        ['email', email],
        ['password', password]

ad retrieve the token like below

const tenancyID = await AsyncStorage.getItem('tenancyID')
const email = await AsyncStorage.getItem('email')
const password = await AsyncStorage.getItem('password')

Although most of the time I get back the correct values, whenever I quit the application and restart, the data is coming back as null hence not persisting. What am I potentially doing wrong ? The examples have an ‘@’ in the beginning of the setItem, but I’m not sure if that is required for data persistence?

Hey @msert,

Is this occurring on both Android and iOS? Also, what SDK version is your project running? It’s going to be hard to tackle this without a repo case, but that information will be a good start.


Sorry forgot to attach does details.

It is occurring on IOS, Expo version 27.

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