Data persistence when app is killed

How to persiste asyncStorage? I’m reading that if i kill the app, all saved data on asyncStorage are done. This mean: new login request, a lot of fetch, etc.

There is no solution for this issue? Any plan?

A common case is to persist redux data and reload them on startup from device, how do you handle this case?

AsyncStorage does persist between runs of the app.

what about saving non text? (say image)
There are space limit on AsyncStorage?
How much secure is AsyncStorage? what about secret key? (a secret token that no user must see)

Image is really just data in another form, you can save an image as a base64 string in AsyncStorage.

Look here for something more secure:

i have read that android have a 4mb size limit(sqlite version), this will make image saving impossibile on AsyncStorage…

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