Asset download mechanics may need more clarifications

Hey @mehmetkaplan,

During development in the Expo client, the images will downloaded from your local environment. This will take longer due to the all the extra processes that run during Development Mode such as validation checks, remote debugging, hot reloading if enabled, etc. You can read more about this here:

When running a published project within the Expo Client, it will fetch your assets from the CDN (CloudFront) in which case you’ll want to make use of the AppLoading module to pre-fetch the assets and only hide the splash screen after all assets have been loaded into memory.

When building a standalone application, you have the option to bundle your assets into the binary (which most should use unless they have an abnormal amount of assets or assets with heavy file sizes) that will result in the assets being loaded into memory much faster since they will be fetched from the local disk rather than making a network request to the CDN.

I hope that answers your question, if not let me know and I’ll try to provide further clarification.
