uncaught error java.net.sockettimeoutexception:timeout

i want to run android expo on my phone but is an erorr
i set port on firewall
i set my ip (pc lan) on project
i set network to private
i set ip on envirmat variable

bu yet! i have Error

and i can run my app on exp android

You mentioned that you set the port on your firewall. Make sure the port you’ve specified is correctly configured to allow traffic for Expo and your app. The error message “java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Timeout” typically indicates that a network connection took longer than expected to complete. In the context of running an Android Expo app on your phone, this error could be due to a variety of reasons.

If you’ve tried these steps and the issue persists, consider providing more details about your setup, the specific steps you’ve taken, and any error messages you encounter. This could help the Expo community or experts provide more targeted assistance.