Unable to resolve module 'module://@babel/runtime/helpers/interopRequireDefault.js'

After some tinkering, we tried ditching ESM as the default export and instead used CommonJS. The target is ES6, which works in Expo and React Native, but still getting an error in Expo Snack:

undefined is not an object (evaluating 'na.default.Easing.Linear')

The target for the library is “ES6”, which I think is where the issue lies. This is likely related to https://forums.expo.dev/t/unable-to-resolve-module-module-babel-runtime-helpers-interoprequiredefault-js-on-expo-snack/66986, where when axios switched from Webpack to Rollup in version 1 (with target es6), it broke expo snack.

Are there any plans to support ES6+ or look into this issue further?

Thanks in advance.

Edit: Updated Snack: https://snack.expo.dev/@anzorb/926046