Unable to get expo push token in app

I have problem that i built app using expo, android apk worked fine, but ios ipa afer publish in appstore i found that notifications no working, i tryed with expo client it is ok, my app can get token from expo server. my code
let token = await Notifications.getExpoPushTokenAsync();
in iphone notifications function has my app. so my app has permission to using notifications.
i found many thread in forum about this problem, may be wrong configuration in apple development about certificate, identifies, Profiles, App ID, but i dont know how to set up right configuration . please help me.
my sdk: 33
im app id configuration for notification (picture bellow)

thanks so much

Hey @tanhh,

It looks like you may not have the appropriate certs associated with your project. Do you know if you have a PNK (push notification key)? If not, I’d recommend starting from a clean slate and running expo build:ios -c and then following the prompts.


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