[SDK 33] Image Picker Selecting Video Error

SDK Version: 33
Platforms(Android/iOS/web/all): iOS

When using the ImagePicker and calling launchImageLibraryAsync, after you select a video, I receive a red error screen stating: "The callback callMethod() exists in module NativeUnimoduleProxy, but only one callback may be registered to a function in a native module.


Could you make a snack that demonstrates the problem and paste the link here?

I have the same issue, anyone know how to fix it ?

Could you make a snack that demonstrates the problem and paste the link here?

Could you make a snack that demonstrates the problem and paste the link here?

I’m not sure how to make a snack, but @david70 or @clemg9874 can you guys make a snack?

Basically just go to https://snack.expo.io and paste the necessary code into App.js. It’s possible to upload more files, but the simpler you can keep it the better.

Click “Save” and it should save it to https://expo.io/snacks/@sangbpark94
You can then post the URL here for us to look at.

I don’t know but for some reasons none of the snacks load either in the browser or on my iOS device, but hypothetically this snack should work:

it is just your example code in the expo docs for image picker except i changed the media type to videos


Thanks. To be clear, it’s not my example code :slight_smile:. I am just another user of Expo and these forums.

I can’t try it now because I don’t have access to an iOS device to test on until I’m back at work next week and there are no videos on the iOS simulator available on the snack’s preview panel.

But I think it would probably be best to create an issue here after searching using the “Filters” box to see if there’s already an issue for this. Please provide as much relevant info in the bug report (e.g. a link to the snack demonstrating the problem and maybe this thread. Also indicate which iOS devices/simulators/iOS versions/Expo SDK versions you have experienced the problem on and if there are any devices/iOS versions/Expo SDK versions where you know that it works.

found the solution, just upgrade to sdk 35

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