local environment cause expo build crash on Testflight

My code runs well on ios simulators and but it crashes on Testflight. When my friend clones the code and their code runs great with Testflight. It must be my environment settings then. Here is what I think might cause the issue:

  1. my Xcode account setting is not linked to my local Imac account but another apple account?
  2. when I do expo run: ios --configuration Release, Error: cannot find ‘ExpoModule’ in scope
  3. “expo”: “^44.0.0”,
    “expo-constants”: “~13.0.1”,
    “react”: “17.0.1”,
    “react-dom”: “17.0.1”,
    “react-native”: “0.64.3”,
    “yarn” : “1.22.17”,
    “npm”: “6.14.14”,
    “expo-CLI”: " 5.0.3",
  4. no error running expo start --no-dev --minify
  5. 4.expo run:ios --configuration Release. generate tar file, and it crashes on the simulator as well, the crash code said

Feb 3 00:04:19 Xs-iMac OrgCorescore[69361]: assertion failed: 20C69 18E182: libxpc.dylib + 50305 [454053CA-B690-3B99-BE31-2369B04EA493]: 0x7d com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDevice.DACCEDA2-9E0B-4CA7-AF56-C134FBF4F4C9[49383] (UIKitApplication:org.core[0d61][rb-legacy][69361]): Service exited due to SIGABRT Feb 3 00:04:19 XIs-iMac OrgCorescore[69362]: assertion failed: 20C69 18E182: libxpc.dylib + 50305 [454053CA-B690-3B99-BE31-2369B04EA493]: 0x7d

  1. Is this to do with my apple account and expo account setting?

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