Is it possible to access an expo app (the metro bundler?) behind an authentication service (single sign on)?

Is it possible to access an expo app (the metro bundler?) behind an authentication service (single sign on)? I did not find anything within the documentation. Is there any configuration possible?

I ran into an issue during the development process when using the Expo Go App together with npc expo start (“the metro bunder server”?).

The problem I am facing is that the local ip can not be accessed directly but needs to be authenticated by an authentication service (single sign on). But the Expo Go App (or “the metro bunder server”?) doesn’t allow any configuration of how the App connects to “the metro bunder server”. It looks for http(s)://some-ip:19000 respectively exp://some-ip:19000.

Is it possible to access an expo app (the metro bundler?) behind an authentication service (single sign on)? I did not find anything within the documentation. Is there any configuration possible?

Any from like attaching get query parameters, setting a cookie or header options would be ok.