IOS force close, got error : "Cannot load configuration from expo.plist"

Please provide the following:

  1. SDK Version:46.0.0
  2. Platforms:IOS
  3. React native version : 0.69.5

Need help from you guys. Currently I already have existing project using react-native CLI that created with “npx react-native init App” and already install expo modules using npx install-expo-modules@latest. It was running well on android but when I am try to running on IOS I am getting error Cannot load configuration from expo.plist even I already added the file based on this documenatation install expo-updates. But when I remove the package of expo-updates then pod install again, it is running well again.

Hey @allanjonna,

Can you please let me know how are you adding the Supporting/Expo.plist file? You are supposed to add by opening ‘your-project-name.xcodeproj’ into the Xcode from the iOS directory.

After you add the file, it will appear like this in the Xcode project

CleanShot 2022-09-03 at 00.03.38@2x

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