Image flashing on Animation

I have a card stack similar to tinder. After updating from SDK 22 to 24 the image will flash at the end of Animated.spring (I updated to SDK 25 and the problem persists)

The image is flashing white and the the backgroundColor of the View is white. If I remove the backgroundColor then the image flashes invisible and I can see the next card behind it.

Only flashing on Android iOS is okay


Here is what the Card view renders

        style={[styles.card, animatedStyle]} >
//////This is the flashing Image///////////
          source={{uri: fbImage}}
        <Animated.View style={[styles.likeContainer, {
            transform: [
              {rotate: '-15deg'},
            opacity: this.pan.x.interpolate({
              inputRange: [0, SWIPE_THRESHOLD-10],
              outputRange: [0, 1],

          <Animated.View style={[styles.nopeContainer, {
            transform: [
              {rotate: '15deg'},
            opacity: this.pan.x.interpolate({
              inputRange: [-(SWIPE_THRESHOLD+10), 0],
              outputRange: [1, 0],

        <View style={}> 
          <Text style={{fontSize:20}}>{first_name}, {profileAge}</Text>
          {bio ? <Text style={{fontSize:18, color:'dimgrey'}}>{bio}</Text> : <View />}


Hey @pickettn58 thanks for using Expo!

I’m sorry that you’re having this issue, I hope this doesn’t sound redundant but have you had a chance to look at: Maybe the flashing image is because the code is executing instruction to reload the asset?

I gave the entire card component a flex of 1 and the flashing went away


I guess, there is a problem with horizontal swipe animation for sdk 23-24-25 .

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