Google Sign Expo 32 error

Hi All, i use expo 32.0.0 and i have problem with google signig

const result = await Google.logInAsync({
                //androidClientId: PROPERTIES.ANDROID_CLIENT_ID,
                //iosClientId: PROPERTIES.IOS_CLIENT_ID,
                //androidStandaloneAppClientId: PROPERTIES.ANDROID_STAND_ALONE_APP_CLIENT_ID,
                //iosStandaloneAppClientId: PROPERTIES.IOS_STAND_ALONE_APP_CLIENT_ID,
                behavior: 'web',
                scopes: ['profile', 'email'],

error 400
custom scheme URIs are not allowed for web

wich is the fix?

there is more confusion for this task…

thanks so much

but is ppossible use Google.logInAsync in app in store? or is completly change?

i find a fix!
update expo 32.0.6 and this my parameters:

behavior: 'web',
                scopes: ['profile', 'email'],
                androidClientId: Expo.Constants.appOwnership === 'standalone' ? PROPERTIES.ANDROID_STAND_ALONE_APP_CLIENT_ID : PROPERTIES.ANDROID_CLIENT_ID,
                iosClientId: Expo.Constants.appOwnership === 'standalone' ? PROPERTIES.IOS_STAND_ALONE_APP_CLIENT_ID : PROPERTIES.IOS_CLIENT_ID,
                androidStandaloneAppClientId: PROPERTIES.ANDROID_STAND_ALONE_APP_CLIENT_ID,
                iosStandaloneAppClientId: PROPERTIES.IOS_STAND_ALONE_APP_CLIENT_ID,
                webClientId: ''

work fin in expo and build store

Glad you got to the bottom of this!

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