Failed with status code 500

Hi @ingegnosi
Are you using the latest version of expo-cli?

Hi @labmoonwalk yes the 3.0.4, but i force an uninstall and then i did an install


A using npm -g uninstall expo-cli and after that npm -g install expo-cli

is it correct?

:heavy_check_mark: App ID found on Apple Developer Portal.
We’re going to generate:

  • Apple Distribution Certificate
  • Apple Push Notifications service key
  • Apple Provisioning Profile
    :heavy_check_mark: Generated Apple Distribution Certificate
    :heavy_check_mark: Generated Apple Push Notifications service key
    :heavy_check_mark: Generated Apple Provisioning Profile
    Request failed with status code 500
    Set EXPO_DEBUG=true in your env to view the stack trace.


:heavy_check_mark: App ID created with bundle identifier

We’re going to generate:

  • Apple Distribution Certificate

  • Apple Push Notifications service key

:heavy_check_mark: Generated Apple Distribution Certificate

:heavy_check_mark: Generated Apple Push Notifications service key

Request failed with status code 500

Yes it’s correct

Sorry everyone :frowning_face: I spoke a little too soon.

We’re working on deploying the correct fix as we speak, hold tight! Thanks for your patience with this, hopefully we’ll have you back to building shortly

@labmoonwalk can you try again, please?

Hi @charliecruzan
The error has changed.

Warning: Your project may contain unoptimized image assets. Smaller image sizes can improve app performance.

To compress the images in your project, abort publishing and run expo optimize.

Publishing to channel ‘default’…

Building iOS bundle

Building Android bundle

Analyzing assets

Uploading assets

Uploading /assets/img/brand/brand_logo.png

Uploading /assets/img/brand/brand_logo_tutorial.png

Uploading /assets/img/brand/splash_screen.png

Uploading /assets/img/brand/brand_background.png

Uploading /assets/img/brand/launcher.png

Processing asset bundle patterns:

  • /Users/alexmoret/react-new-app/assets/img/*

Uploading JavaScript bundles


Your URL is

Checking if this build already exists…

Build started, it may take a few minutes to complete.

You can check the queue length at Service Status — EAS Build — Expo

You can monitor the build at

Waiting for build to complete. You can press Ctrl+C to exit.

:heavy_multiplication_x: Build failed.

Standalone build failed!

MacBook-Air-de-Alex:react-new-app alexmoret$

Okay! Looks like the previous issue has been fixed everyone, thanks for your patience

@labmoonwalk- if you visit the build link from your logs, you can see the error you get is:
provisioning profile is not associated with uploaded distribution certificate

If you search that in the forums, you’ll find the solutions posted here. You’ll probably have to revoke some of your credentials in the Apple developer portal and build again with expo build:ios -c

Thanks @charliecruzan
It works for a new project.
However I have facing some problem with one of my existing project.

MacBook-Air-de-Alex:react-new-app alexmoret$ expo build:android -c

Checking if there is a build in progress…

Request failed with status code 500

Set EXPO_DEBUG=true in your env to view the stack trace.

Do you have any idea?

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