expo snack admob ads

how can i add admob ads in expo app please answer me

Hey @himanshu98gaur, you can use a library like GitHub - invertase/react-native-google-mobile-ads: React Native Google Mobile Ads enables you to monetize your app with AdMob. and create a dev client in your Expo project.

You can also look into more libraries by searching them on reactnative.directory: https://reactnative.directory/?search=admob

Hi @amanhimself

The last time this sort of thing came up I was told that Snack did not yet work with custom development clients. Does it work now?

If not, I think @himanshu98gaur will not be able to use Snack for an app that makes use of admob.

You are right, a library that requires custom native code will not work with Expo Snack. Apologies, I missed mentioning that in my earlier post and thanks for the clarification!

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