Expo Push Notification API - 400/TopicDisallowed?

. dev:run:   "49dca719-4e3d-4dfb-bb94-f6db1b7fdbd0": {
. dev:run:     "status": "error",
. dev:run:     "message": "The Apple Push Notification service failed to send the notification (reason: TopicDisallowed, status code: 400). Read Apple's docs about \"Communicating with APNs\" to learn what this error means.",
. dev:run:     "messageEnum": 1006,
. dev:run:     "messageParamValues": [
. dev:run:       "TopicDisallowed",
. dev:run:       "400"
. dev:run:     ],
. dev:run:     "details": {
. dev:run:       "apns": {
. dev:run:         "reason": "TopicDisallowed",
. dev:run:         "statusCode": 400
. dev:run:       },
. dev:run:       "error": "ExpoError",
. dev:run:       "errorCodeEnum": 0,
. dev:run:       "sentAt": 1693790903
. dev:run:     },
. dev:run:     "__debug": {}
. dev:run:   }

Any idea why this is happening? I have used Expo Push API to send notifications in the past, but it’s not working at the moment… Where should I look?