Expo notification icon and app name ios

I’m using expo notification for my project, but the expo’s icon and “expo go” still appear even after I have built a standalone app, I have also set the APS credentials, but the expo’s icon still appearing instead of my app’s icon and name.

Please notice that I set notification property in the app.json file and set the icon, it did work for android but didn’t work for ios.


Notification on ios

On iOS, the notification icon uses the app icon (this is an iOS limitation unfortunately).

Also- displayInForeground was deprecated in SDK 41

Hi @mohamedalkhawam

From your screenshot it looks like Expo Go received the notification and not your standalone app. That would explain why you’re not seeing your standalone app’s app icon in the notifications on iOS.
Maybe make sure that you have killed Expo Go and that you’re running your standalone app before trying this again?

Ok, but it doesn’t take my app icon, it takes expo icon instead, so what should I do ?

how can I kill expo go?
I’m using expo notification tool to send the notifications do you mean I should use Firebase instead?

I just mean make sure the Expo Go app is not running while you’re testing. If you want to be sure, just uninstall the Expo Go app temporarily.