Push notification issue -- icon as the expo icon in iOS+android and "Expo" instead of my app name in iOS

The push notification icon is showing up as the expo icon in iOS+android and “Expo” instead of my app name in iOS. I am defining the following fields in app.json: notification.icon, icon, android.icon, ios.icon. The entire json and resulting image urls are here:


I’ve tried multiple things, but have had no luck. Thanks in advance for the help!

Hey @lfdepombo,

Just want to certain, have you built a new binary after making these changes? These types of app.json changes can’t be picked up by an OTA update.


Hi @adamjnav, that is a very good point. Forgot to point it out. I have!

So how during the development can I check if the app name and icon change correctly?

You’ll need to build the binaries and install them to your device via TestFlight for iOS or directly onto your device for Android.

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Same here.
Built a standalone app, configured notification.icon in app.json but still showing expo icon.

But, everything works fine after removing Expo Client app.

@adamjnav How can I do exactly test flight?
I didn’t find something on Expo docs.