expo export web cannot be served or published properly

  1. SDK Version: 48
  2. Platforms(Android/iOS/web/all): web

Hi, I’m trying to export the web version of an app. After debugging and using APP_VARIANT=production npx expo start --web --https the app is rendered in Chrome. I’m now trying to publish the app.
First I export the app using npx expo export -p web which creates the dist directory, following up npx serve dist. However, when I open the http://localhost:3000 the page is blank and there is the following error:

web-8b181cc1f584758b3c94485ebd51a2d3.js:2 Uncaught Error: Requiring module "366", which threw an exception: TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'RNRenderer')
    at _ (web-8b181cc1f584758b3c94485ebd51a2d3.js:2:1896)
    at h (web-8b181cc1f584758b3c94485ebd51a2d3.js:2:1598)
    at d (web-8b181cc1f584758b3c94485ebd51a2d3.js:2:1150)
    at i (web-8b181cc1f584758b3c94485ebd51a2d3.js:2:496)
    at web-8b181cc1f584758b3c94485ebd51a2d3.js:619:227
    at h (web-8b181cc1f584758b3c94485ebd51a2d3.js:2:1707)
    at d (web-8b181cc1f584758b3c94485ebd51a2d3.js:2:1150)
    at i (web-8b181cc1f584758b3c94485ebd51a2d3.js:2:496)
    at l (web-8b181cc1f584758b3c94485ebd51a2d3.js:2:593)
    at web-8b181cc1f584758b3c94485ebd51a2d3.js:618:97

The file in question is the only file in dist>bundles directory.

Any idea what is wrong? Many thanks!

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