Error upgrading from expo SDK 47 to 48: "npx expo-doctor" command fails

Please provide the following:

  1. SDK Version: 47 to 48
  2. Platforms(Android/iOS/web/all): Android+ios
  3. Add the appropriate “Tag” based on what Expo library you have a question on.

Any idea on how to fix my problem upgrading from SDK47 to 48?
I followed the instructions in the blog: Expo SDK 48. Today we’re announcing the release of… | by Brent Vatne | Exposition

npx expo-doctor generates the following errors:

✔ Check package.json for common issues
✔ Validate global prerequisites versions
✖ Check for incompatible packages
Unexpected error while running 'Check for incompatible packages' check:
Error: Dependency tree validation for @unimodules/core failed. This validation is only available on Node 16+ / npm 8.
✖ Check for conflicting global packages in project
Unexpected error while running 'Check for conflicting global packages in project' check:
Error: Dependency tree validation for expo-cli failed. This validation is only available on Node 16+ / npm 8.
✔ Validate Expo Config
✖ Verify prebuild support package versions are compatible
Unexpected error while running 'Verify prebuild support package versions are compatible' check:
Error: Dependency tree validation for @expo/prebuild-config failed. This validation is only available on Node 16+ / npm 8.
✔ Check compatible dependency versions for the installed Expo SDK
One or more checks failed, indicating possible issues with the project.

I uninstalled (npm uninstall ) all three modules: @unimodules/core, expo-cli, @expo/prebuild-config
for each of them, npm ls is empty (and they are deprecated)
I deleted node-Modules and package-lock.json
I reinstalled expo (npm install expo)
I still get exactly the same issue.

Previoulsy, the first package listed with a problem was @unimodules/reaact-native-adapter, which I also uninstalled (and is deprecated anyways). I tried to upgrade node to v18. I also added “resolutions” in package.json, as suggested in some posts, and tried many other things but I am still stuck…
eas build does not work as npx expo-doctor fails.

Any idea would be more than welcome… Thanks so much in advance!

npm: 9.6.7
node: v16.18.1


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