Eas build error when using expo-system-ui

SDK Version: 43.0.2
Platforms(Android/iOS/web/all): ios
Project: Commits · denniske/aoe2companion · GitHub
Commit: c70066863b3cb3154fd955537abeb4456943e0c3

I have the following in app.json so I included expo-system-ui in my package.json.

"ios": {
  "userInterfaceStyle": "automatic",

But this leads to the following error when building with eas build:
npx eas build --profile production --platform ios

› Compiling expo-system-ui Pods/ExpoSystemUI » ExpoSystemUIModule.swift
❌  (node_modules/expo-system-ui/ios/ExpoSystemUI/ExpoSystemUIModule.swift:17:5)

  15 |     }
  16 | 
> 17 |     function("getBackgroundColorAsync") { () -> String? in
     |     ^ cannot find 'function' in scope
  18 |       Self.getBackgroundColor()
  19 |     }
  20 | 

Using expo install expo-system-ui to install the correct version "expo-system-ui": "~1.0.0" solved the issue.

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Having the same issue for multiple packages after upgrade to SDK 44

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