Eas build can't find scoped private package that's in the github registry. How to set the registry for a scope?

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Hi, I’m trying to build my app using eas build --local, and I’m getting an error saying a private package is not found. Our private package is in the github registry https://npm.pkg.github.com/ and is scoped. We have a yarnrc file that has this npmscope config for installing it directly, but I don’t know how to configure eas build to use this registry URL for this scoped private package.

I’ve tried setting an npmrc following this guide Use private npm packages - Expo Documentation but I get told that it’s being ignored.
npm WARN ignoring workspace config at /Users/jinchoi/Documents/Spoton/digital-ordering/apps/expo/.npmrc

The npmrc


Any help would be greatly appreciated!

this might be helpful: [BUG] npm WARN ignoring workspace config at /my-project/my-workspace/.npmrc · Issue #4605 · npm/cli · GitHub

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You have configure EAS Build to use your scoped private package hosted on GitHub’s npm registry, you can create a .npmrc file in your project’s root directory. Ensure that you have set your GitHub token (NPM_TOKEN) as a secret in your EAS account. YourTexasBenefits
In your .npmrc file:
@ourscopedname:registry=https://npm.pkg.github.com/ //npm.pkg.github.com/:_authToken=${NPM_TOKEN}

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Thanks! I had the .npmrc in the nested directory that has our expo package which didn’t work.

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