Could not sign in Google with expo sdk > 33

Please provide the following:

  1. SDK Version: 33
  2. Platforms(Android/iOS):

I got an following error when signing Google with Expo 33.
“login: Error: expo-google-sign-in is not supported in the Expo Client because a custom URL scheme is required at build time…”.

Is there any way to test GoogleSignIn on Expo Client App without submit app to appstore/playstore? Because when you submit app on appstore/google play you must take along time to wait for approve from apple team. This is quite convenient.

Hey @thongleduy,

You can’t test GoogleSignIn with the client as it requires baking in your reverse_client_id into the info.plist which is only possible with standalone apps. You can use TestFlight to create a standalone .ipa to test on iOS which doesn’t require you to go through the review process. As for Android, you can create an apk and install it onto your device.


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I got it, thank you so much

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Happy to help. Good luck developing!

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